Mediation Training Institute is pleased to announce its upcoming Circuit Civil Mediation Training Course.

This program will be conducted via ZOOM video conferencing, over two weekends.

Upcoming Dates: April 5th, 6th, 7th and 13th & 14th, 2024

July 12, 13, 14 and 20th & 21st, 2024

November 2nd, 3rd and 9th, 10th & 11th, 2024

January 18th, 19th, 20th and 25th & 26th, 2025

Register Here

Welcome to Phase I of your Certified Circuit Civil Mediator training! Phase I is the 40 hour/5 day course required by the Florida Supreme Court under the auspices of the Florida Dispute Resolution Center Class begins each day promptly at 8:30 am and ends at 5:30 pm, with a 5-minute break every hour 30 minutes for lunch.  If you require a special accommodation due to a disability, please let us know in advance and we will arrange to accommodate your needs

This is an interactive course geared toward adult learning, and will entail a mix of lecture, exercises, Q&A, demonstrations, practice role plays and one critiqued role play.  In much the same way as a high rise is built, we will build your mediator education and skills, starting with a solid foundation. 

In this course, we will discuss and learn about many topics important to becoming a competent Circuit Civil Mediator, such as:

1.      Conflict Resolution Concepts in Circuit Court Mediation

2.      Basic Legal Concepts in Circuit Court Mediation

3.      Financial Issues in Circuit Court Mediation

4.      Court Processes in Circuit Court Mediation

5.      Communications Skills in Circuit Court Mediation

6.      Negotiations Dynamics in Circuit Court Mediation

7.      Standards of Conduct/Ethics for Mediators in Circuit Court Mediation (heavy emphasis)

8.      Diversity Issues in Circuit Court Mediation

9.      Attorneys in Circuit Court Mediation

10.  Mediation Process and Techniques in Circuit Court Mediation


We will consider many “real world” case scenarios, so that you will have a solid appreciation for the way the Rules governing the mediation practice actually apply in the field and know how to conduct your mediations with the highest degree of professionalism and integrity.

Within the above primary areas of study, there are numerous sub-topics; those can be found in the agenda.

Note: We anticipate that the students in each class have diverse backgrounds and experiences and therefor the pace of learning/covering the materials may vary.  In the event that we cover basic required materials faster than expected, your instructor has prepared supplemental exercises and additional materials so that every minute of your time is respected and put to good use.